- Call: 00 33 (0)2 51 28 43 98
- WhatsApp/Mobile: 00 33 (0)6 43 37 87 74
Guest Reviews for Vendée Holiday Cottages
Here are the reviews left by guests who have returned from their holiday here in the Vendée. We ask everyone to send us a review after their stay, and we update this page on a regular basis.
You can click on each review to find out more details.
You can click on each review to find out more details.
Vendée Holiday Cottages
Annette & Jason Khan
3 rue de la Motte

Tel: 00 33 (0)2 51 28 43 98
Mobile: 00 33 (0)6 43 37 87 74
WhatsApp: 00 33 (0)6 43 37 87 74
Siret: 53011496600019
(Annette Khan Entrepreneur Individuelle : Maison Lairoux/Vendée Holiday Cottages)